Almacenar en un lugar fresco (15°C-20°C) y seco, protegido de la luz solar. No consumir en caso de alergia o hipersensibilidad al pescado o a alguno de sus componentes. La utilización de suplementos de aceite de pescado puede interferir con el consumo de fármacos anticoagulantes.Forma de presentación
Envase de 150 mlModo de empleo
Tomar 5 ml al día solo o mezclado con alimentosBibliografia
1. J.C. McCann,B.N. Ames. Is docosahexaenoic acid, an n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid, required for development of normal brain function? An overview of evidence from cognitive and behavioural tests in humans and animals .Am J Clin Nutr, 82 (2005), pp. 281-295
2. R.T. Pivik,R.A. Dykman,H. Jing,J.M. Gilchrist,T.M. Badger. Early infant diet and the omega 3 fatty acid DHA: effects on resting cardiovascular activity and behavioral development during the first half-year of life. Dev Neuropsychol, 34 (2009), pp. 139-158
3. A.L. Colter,C. Cutler,K.A. Meckling. Fatty acid status and behavioural symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in adolescents: A case-control study. Nutr J, 7 (2008), pp. 8
4. J.P. Schuchardt,M. Huss,M. Stauss-Grabo,A. Hahn. Significance of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for the development and behaviour of children. Eur J Pediatr, 169 (2010), pp. 149-164
5. R. Uauy,A.D. Dangour. Fat and fatty acid requirements and recommendations for infants of 0–2 years and children of 2–18 years. Ann Nutr Metab, 55 (2009), pp. 76-96
6. B. Koletzko,E. Lien,C. Agostoni,H. Böhles,C. Campoy,I. Cetin,World Association of Perinatal Medicine Dietary Guidelines Working Group. Recommendations and guidelines for perinatal practice. The roles of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy, lactation and infancy: review of current knowledge and consensus recommendations.J Perinat Med, 36 (2008), pp. 5-14.